Monday 15 September 2014

Women's rights

This blog talks about women's rights. I personally chose to do my blog on women's rights because women are abused and mistreated in most places around the world. Women aren't allowed, in most countries, to do certain things that men can do. Such as getting education. In most undeveloped countries women aren't allowed to go to school which results to giving birth at young age and they forget that education is one of the most powerful things than can change the world. In some places, women cannot ride cars or even own a businesses.Also women are mostly excluded when it came to politics. During the whole nineteenth century women had to right to vote.( ).

Back then women could only be house wives. I'm very interested in this topic because it is something that still exists in the most countries in the world. I think that women all should be treated equally as men because they are as smart as them and can most certainly work as hard as them . Women shouldn't be getting paid less money on the same job as men or  be stopped to become what they want to become in  life just because of their gender.


Interesting Fact
The first women’s right convention was held in Seneca Falls, in 1848. At that time, women did not vote, hold elective office, divorce an abusive husband, attend college or earn a living. They were mostly treated like beings and not human beings. It was then that five women who organised the First Women’s Rights Convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Martha Wright, Mary Ann M'Clintock, and Jane Hunt.



  1. That was a great blog Giselle. You put a lot of description and I was really interested in the topic. What is your opinion on all of this ? is it fair or is it not? Made me think deep about it.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog I thought it was super interesting :)

  3. great job keep it up G, all i can say that women abuse it happening in both developed and developing countries, sometimes people thinks it only happens in developing countries, it is disease that we need find cure for ASAP.

    1. Thank you guys.I beleive that the cure is to come together as one regardless of the gender.We are all human and no one deserves to be abused or descriminated.

  4. I really enjoy your blog. I think it's well writen with many ideas. I think it's good to shine some light on this since many people might not known what's happening. I'm looking forward top see more from this blog since I like the subject you've done and the way you present your information. Great job!

  5. WOW! Giselle this blog really made me see how girls have it tough also in some countries around the world. I think the girls should have the same rights that man do because were all equal and girls should also have privileges just like man do. Thank you Giselle, I learned a lot.

  6. GISELLE! wow I love this blog! It made me realize that some of us don't really have it as tough as others do! This taught me how to be grateful for what I have and where I live! Women around the world have came a long way and still in some counturies they haven't! This should be cured by now! Great, great work!
