Tuesday 14 October 2014

Malala: The girl that was shot for going to school

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is a young teenage girl. Her hometown is Pakistan but her family moved to Britain. At the age of 15 on October 9th 2012 she was shot in the head by Taliban Gunmen. Her crime was speaking up for the right of girls to be educated.  
 ''I didn't want my future to be imprisoned in my four walls and just cooking and giving birth'' Malala Yousafzai. 
Life here in Canada, anybody can go to school. There's private schools where you have to pay school fees and catholic schools and public  schools that do not require schools fees. But in countries like Pakistan or Afghanistan females do not obtain the same rights that we have. I think it's cruel to take away women's rights and treating them like animals. They are abused, harassed and in worst cases beaten or shot to death for speaking up just like Malala. '' We cannot succeed when half of us are held back''. Malala Yousafzai

Injured Malala

I thank God that Malala survived from the shot. She's a hero and we should all take her example and speak up for what is right.

Unfortunately, one of the things that most undeveloped countries do not understand is that women are needed and they are very qualified to do works that men do. They are brave and strong and deserve justice. Therefore, they should receive the same rights as men including the right to be educated. Males and females are all equal.

Women deserve to be treated with respect and honor because, as a matter of fact they are the ones that give birth to new leaders, doctors and presidents of this world. It's not fair that they have to suffer and cannot even be aloud to leave their country trying to find a better life. It's not fair that even sometimes the first son of the family would be treated with much more respect and honor than the mother. Women should be appreciated and treated equally because, ''there will never be a new world order until women are part of it'' Alice Paul. 



  1. This is such a heart breaking story! I would hate to live in a country were men treat women like animals. We're all humains and i think we should all be treated equally no matter of our gender. I can never imagine myself in her place. I think women all over the world should be treated the same way men are treated because we are not less human than they are.

  2. I’ve heard about her, Malala was so brave to speak up for her rights as a women but the consequences for it she had got shot in the head and if it wasn’t treated fast enough she could have died. I’m proud of Malala even if I never knew her; I understand her point of view as a woman myself. Interesting fact she is one of the 5 Muslim men and women who have won a Nobel peace prize.
