Tuesday 14 October 2014


Heforshe is a solidarity movement for gender equality that wants to bring men and women to work together for the good of all. 167, 419 men all around the world are taking a stand for gender equality. There's 10,907 men in Canada that re willing to take a stand. Heforshe is not only about women but also men. It's also about stopping men's problems. Unlike feminism most likely bashed males and made them look like enemies. Heforshe invites all people including men to join in changing the world and bring equality to everyone because that is the human right. 

Emma Watson.
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson is an English actress and model born on April 15th 1990 in Paris, France. She knew that she that she wanted to be an actress and she practiced at a part-time theater school were she practiced singing, dancing and acting. I think you might recognized her if i say that she acted in all eight movies of Harry Potter. 
But, Emma Watson is more than just an actress, she also a feminist. She supports the Heforshe campaign. She invites everybody to participate in the movement for gender equality because it's incomplete unless both men and women are involved. She made a speech about Heforshe and hours after her speech threats and rumors began.  A lot of people are posting bad photo-shopped pictures of her trying to break her legacy that she just built by giving the speech about feminism. There are people that making such a big deal out of it and want to bring her down by saying she took nudes. It's a big thing going on right now. 

 I think that what Emma is doing is great. She sees the problem that had made this world suffer. There has been a lot of campaigns about women's right but most of them never invited men to join in the movement. That's what's different from Heforshe. I also think that what Emma Watson said in her speech is what this world really needs. She spoke the truth. She gave new meaning to feminism by inviting everybody to the movement not just women only. 
She's one of those people that want to do the right thing and there will always be those people that will want to stop you from doing the right thing. I really hope that one day both men and women from all places in the world will come together as one, have equality, and work together for the best of all. 



  1. I loved reading your blog this week I agree that women should get more credit for what they do and I thought that Emma Watson speech was incredible and that it's good that she's fighting for what she believes in. Good job keep it up :)

  2. Most people have heard of heforshe, including me, but I did learn many things about Emma Watson from reading your blog. She is such an inspirational person in many ways. So interesting, keep up the good work!
