Friday 24 October 2014

                                               Abortion: Morality vs Law
In developed countries such as the United States and Canada, abortion is legal. This law is gives women the freedom to chose whether they want to keep the unexpected pregnancy or not. Abortion is performed all over the world whether the country had made it legal or not. Back in the 1880s in the United States abortion was already legal. The ability to obtain a safe abortion depended upon a women's economic situation, her race and where she lived. Rich women were able to receive the proper performance of abortion, but it was a different story for those that were pour. Most of the times it was the coloured women that performed dangerous abortions that might lead to death because of their finances and colour. They would insert knitting needles, or coat hangers into the uterus and would sometimes swallow strong drugs and chemicals. . There are clinics and hospitals that benefit women by performing legal and safe abortion. 

Now, I was very chocked when I read this and wondered how people live after killing their own fetus, that was supposed to become a human being. I honestly think that abortion is not a good decision to make. If you think that you're not qualified to be a mother, adoption is always an option.
My personal opinion on this subject is that it is wrong to have an abortion.  It is morally wrong to kill a human being whether it's still an fetus or not. We all have different points of views when it comes to this subject but, my opinion is that abortion should be illegal because it is simply wrong.  I understand that some women are not willing to put up with the work that it requires to care of a baby and they're not willing to go through the pain but if you were to put yourself into the baby's situation, maybe it might help you keep the baby. The only reason why we're here is because our parents specifically our moms decided to keep us till we're given birth. I think that abortion is simply not a wise decision, it's a selfish decision



  1. Giselle you'r blog is really interesting and to be honest i learned alot i never knew about abortions . Keep up the good work!.

  2. Giselle, I really learnt a lot from your blog this week and I never knew how many babies were aborted each year. I agree that abortions should be illegal because they are ending the life of a poor innocent child and it's their fault that they're there in the first place. Keep up the good work

  3. You make some very good points, Giselle! I agree that abortion is wrong, and one should do everything to conserve the life of the innocent child. However, in some cases, I understand why a woman would undergo the process.

  4. The subject in abortion in my opinion is a no. It’s killing a child, a poor innocent child. Many women could not even bare a child and you just decide to abort it. I don’t understand. In many cases a women could be raped and may decide to abort the child but why? The child is also yours, your own blood. In my religion at any case abortion is a sin and I don’t accept it. This may be my favorite blog keep up the good work!

  5. wow, Giselle I have not know about all that information about the abortion women had back in the day and on what they had did to have these abortion, it's sad knowing that someone had to get a abortion and ending a life.... but in the end they have to leave with that and it's not always good thing thinking bout that, well thank you for your blog good work

  6. I agree with you 100% on this subject, I believe that if you kill a baby before it is born, it is equivalent to killing once after it is born too. If you want to sex, go ahead, but be conscious that if something goes wrong you're gonna have a child to deal with.

  7. Great topic and a fascinating take on women's issues. Do you think society has taken a big step forward when it comes to women's rights or do we still have a long way to go?

    A few issues:
    - Hard to read with your transparent background.
    - Careful with generalizations.
    - Typing & grammar mistakes – (punctuation spacing, to vs no , re vs are, aloud vs allowed, uopn vs upon, livesd, vs lived, etc.)
    - Opinion missing at times – or it’s vague and missing specifics.
    - Font and colour change throughout becomes distracting.

    Great start.

    Come confusing / illogical sentences. Ex. “Unlike feminism most likely bashed males and made them look like enemies.”
