Friday 21 November 2014

                                              Same job, same salary.
It is no lie that women are paid less money than men even though they're both doing the same job. Here in Canada, women can only paid the same amount of money as men if they're working for the government. If a women does not work for the government, she simply does not get the same salary as men even though she has the same qualifications required as men. 

This is a big problem around the world and it bothers me very much. I don't like the fact that women are not paid the same amount of money simply because they are women. My opinion on this is that women deserve to be paid equally. 
equal payThey need the money as much as anybody. I think that bosses give men a much higher salary than women, because they are the heads of their family and they need to support the family. Although this might be the case, there's a lot of single mothers out there that struggle to make a living. They sometimes work two jobs because one job simply cannot pay them enough money so they struggle with paying bills and can hardly stay under the roof. It is not fair that women have to go through this. They deserve to be paid equally because they work as hard as men. Gender shouldn't be defining how much money you get paid because it's wrong to be sexist. 

Women are as strong and qualified as men to do the work so they should also be worthy to receive the same amount of money as men. Work is not only for men, it's for women as well. Therefore, money should also be for both genders. A women is as capable as a men to supporting her family but she can only do so if she's paid equally. She also needs that money to pay the bills, buy food, and everything else. People should be paid by their works, not by their gender. Gender does not define how hard you can work or how qualified you are. Some women can work twice as hard as men but yet, they still get a lower salary than them. This is not fair and things need to change. We're all made equal.



  1. This is one this thing that really annoyed me; I can’t understand why some people chose to pay men more than they pay women. they both work for the same time period but just because they portray men as "manly" or "hard workers many people still pay men more thinking that women can be as reliable then men for any sort of work. Your blog is great, one of my favorites!

  2. Another informative post, Giselle! I hate that men and women are not paid equally. It's entirely unfair and there should be stricter laws against it. It appals me that even in a developed counry like Canada, women are still subtly discriminated against. I hope that eventually Canada can gain equality for both genders.

  3. Wow! Giselle I really love this blog! I strongly believe in feminism and I think its not fair for men work the exact same job as a women to be paid more. I believe in gender equality. Love this blog keep up the great work

  4. Wow! Giselle I really love this blog! I strongly believe in feminism and I think its not fair for men work the exact same job as a women to be paid more. I believe in gender equality. Love this blog keep up the great work
