Monday 1 December 2014

                                             What Should You Wear?

In one school located in Montreal, Muslim girls were forced to wear wigs on their hijabs. They were not allowed to show their hijabs during school time. 

When I read this I asked myself why do they have to make these girls go through this? In Canada, we're all have the right to follow which ever religion we want, yet this school forces girls to be like everyone else. This is hypocrisy. I think that we should all be free to wear what we want, especially if it has some religious background or explanation. Muslims wear hijabs to cover their hair simply because it cannot be seen by men or boys. The Muslim girls, for some families, have the choice to either wear a hijab at the age of nine. They can choose weather they want to or not. 

Simple Facts About the Hijab.   
The hijab is a headcovoring worn by Muslim women. It covers the hair, the ears, neck and chest. It is typically worn with modest but modern attire. Hijabs are available in variety of colours and styles allowing women to match their clothing and the occasion. Women choose the wear the hijab for a variety of reasons. Some may wear it because it is required by law in their country;others choose to wear it as a matter of religion and personal comfort.  

I honestly think that what the school did to these Muslim girls is unfair and wrong. It reflects a very bad image on our country. These girls should be free to cover their hair if they want, for in their religion it is considered as a sin if they just decide to take it off. Everyone should be free to follow their religious customs and shouldn't be forced to look like others. These girls should have to worry about someone telling them not to wear as their religion tells them to, especially if they live in Canada.  We all have our opinions on this but mine is that we should all respect each other and embrace  others differences. Everyone has the right to live according to their Koran, Bible or whatever religion they follow. We might all have different values and opinions, but we're all the same and we should treat each other like brothers and sisters. 



  1. Giselle, I agree with your statement. Canada is a free country that respects everyone and every religion that comes along with them. If someone wants to wear a hijab they have the right and in Canada it`s one of our laws. It doesn`t offend anybody so they should be able to wear what they want.

  2. Yes I completely understand what these girls are going through because; well I wear the hijab too. I hate that school and public places decide what they want to do with people’s religious wear and change it. I just don’t get it? Where is the freedom of religion in this situation? I really have no problems with people stating their opinion but if they start to express it I won’t allow it. If I was in their situation I would either make a petition or leave schools. This is my favorite blog (shhh don’t tell anyone). Keep it up Giselle!

  3. I also agree that Muslim girls have the right to wear a hijab! I have a best friend who wears the hijab and always tells me these racist stories people have against them! I'm glad I live in Canada and I don't see any acts of racism towards them! And hope I never do! Great job
