Thursday 11 December 2014

Indira Gandhi. 

Indira Gandhi Born on November 19th in 1917 was the first Prime minister of the Republic of India for three consecutive terms from 1966 to 1977 and for a fourth term form 1980 until her assassination in 1984, which is a total of fifteen years. She was India's first female Prime Minister.
 In 1999, she was voted the greatest women of the past thousand years in a poll carried by BBC news.
 Indira is one of the most inspiring   women in world’s history. She inspires me and reminds me that in life, anyone can be a leader. Most of the time when you hear the word <leader> you think about an intelligent man in a suit and in good shape, but women can be leaders as well.
Females can be as good of a leader as males. I think that Indira was a very brave woman and had confident that she would be able to lead her country. Not everyone can be as brave as she was especially in a country such as India that gave so little opportunities to females during those days.

I also think that all women should look up to her and take her example. She took her place in her country and fought for women’s rights. Leadership has nothing to do with gender. In places like China, Asia, women are not as important as men. Men are preferred than women when it comes to everything.  Women are rarely permitted to be leaders  in most places in Asia. Although this is true and terrible, Indira Gandhi, being a women living in India, Asia, stood up for her rights. Therefore I think that women can be leaders as well. They should be allowed and given the opportunity to lead, guide and protect their country.

I believe that if people work together, they can make this world a better place and prove to people that women are as important as men and can do incredible things. Gender shouldn’t stop you from being what you want to be. If you’re a girl and want to be a Prime Minister like Indira, go ahead and keep believing in yourself because one day you will succeed as long as you keep tackling life. 



  1. I love your blog Giselle! I agree that all woman should be seen as equal to men and it's sad that some countries haven't seen this yet. Moman can make a great leader but sadly many never get the chance to show this. Indira Gandhi is an inspiration and I'm proud of what she has achieved.

  2. Nice blog Giselle! I agree entirely, Indira Gandhi was an amazing woman. She is an inspiration to all the female leaders of the world. It saddens me that there are still places in the world that men and women are not equal. I hope one day more countries can develope and reach equality.
