Wednesday 10 December 2014

Women's World Cup FIFA.

Now we all know about world cup FIFA that recently happened on June 12 to July 13 2014 and took place in Brazil. For those that are not soccer fans might not know exactly what I’m talking about, I’ll give you a brief summery. Every four years, countries all around the world come together in one place and compete against each other to win the world cup FIFA. This year in the finals, Germany won (1-0) against Argentina.
Some of you might not know this, but there’s also women’s world cup. It is the same event that I just recently explained except that it’s for women. Meaning that, not only males get to represent their country but women as well. The president of women's World Cup FIFA in 1989 is Joao Havelange. He came up with the idea and it ivolved in less that a dacade. It gave everyone the same opportunities to play sports because not only men are good in sports. The first World Cup for women took place in 1991 in China. When it comes to sports countries, such as Canada and Congo, both allow men and women get to represent their country.
 A lot of countries don’t give the same opportunities that males get to females when it comes to education or Jobs, but when it comes to sports, things are different. I love sports myself and I think that everyone should be allowed to play sports that they’re interested in. Women deserve the same opportunities as males because winning is not only for males.
FIFA’s not the only sport event that allows women to participate. There’s also the Olympics. Olympics started a long time ago in Greece. Countries all around the world participate every 2 years. There’s summer and winter Olympic Games in which both male and female get to participate. MY opinion is that everyone should be allowed to have fun and participate in sport events and represents their country. During the Olympics that recently passed the Canadian male and female both won the gold medal in the finals. This proves that everyone’s a winner and it’s not gender that defines who’s a winner and who’s not.
I think that this world has made a big step towards women’s rights and equality. One of the ways that we can change the world is through sports. People come together as one in sports. I don’t know if most of you have heard rumors that World Cup FIFA wants to end racism. I think that if sports can try to end racism, it can also bring us to gender equality. 



  1. I enjoyed reading this blog, I agree that everyone should have a chance to participate in sports.I also agree that the world is coming closer to women right's and equality it's coming slowly but it's getting there. I thought you did a great job at explaining youself and what FIFA is and did you know the women FIFA was in Canada this summer. Good job, keep up the good work!

  2. I never knew that there was a world cup for women. That's weird. But its probably because no one really talks about it, or mostly the people that are around me. I would love to watch it once it happens it sounds interesting.

  3. I enjoy this blog a lot! I think anyome and everyone deserves to participate in any sport they want! The world cup for women should be talked about more because moment are just as important as men
